Throughout high school, adults are constantly reminding us teenagers that the decisions we make now will follow us for the rest of our lives. They never cease to remind us about college expectations, SAT scores, AP classes, future careers and the rest of our lives, which rests upon the insecure foundation of our high school careers. Our names are Rebecca and Elizabeth and we know as well as any other teenager how overwhelming high school can be. Between school, homework, extra curricular activities, and even a job there is bound to be mayhem and stress involved. For our AP Language class we had to choose a subject in which we are passionate about to do a 20% project. What is 20%? The 20% project includes having one day per week (20% of our school year) to work on a project of our choice. We both knew how discouraging it was to constantly feel the pressures of the world on our shoulders while simultaneously walking through the dreaded halls of high schoo...